1911 Indianapolis ABCs

A Calendar, Including Newspaper Clippings, of the 1911 Indianapolis ABCs

1911 Indianapolis ABCs

Stories are placed in order of the date they appeared.

March 4, 1911

Indianapolis, IN
"The A.B.C.s, the Sprudels, the Plutos, and a few more of the crack teams of Indiana ought to do some good things this season."

"The base ball fever in Indianapolis was not so high in the past season as it was the season before. What's the matter? It appears that the Sunday game is here to stay, according to a recent court decision. It means one very good day, not to speak of the interest that might be worked up for ball playing through the week."

"Leading baseball clubs. - A.B.C.s - Ran Butler, manager, Fifteenth Street and Northwestern Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana."